Updated 5/3/2021 – SMME will be going hybrid on May 11, 2020 (still practicing social distancing from the Hilton guidelines, more below) at 3800 American Blvd E, Bloomington, MN 55425 starting at 6pm. Join us online or in person! More updates on Facebook. We look forward to seeing you!
The SMME board members have made the decision to adopt a hybrid meeting structure that will allow members and guests to attend virtually or in person, effective May 2021. Meetings will be hosted on Google Meet and in person at the Airport Hilton.
For those attending in person, additional protocols are in place for the safety and wellbeing of all in attendance. Per the Governor’s Executive Order 20-81, people are required to wear face coverings while indoors in public spaces unless eating or drinking. For further details on this order, please visit the MN Department of Health’s webpage.
The Hilton and SMME will be providing hand sanitizer at the entrance, spacing out seats to provide social distancing, and moving our happy hour gathering to our meeting room. We ask if you feel sick that you attend meetings virtually. If you display symptoms of COVID19, you will be asked to leave the meeting to protect others.
We look forward to seeing you at our meetings and appreciate your support in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact smmerotary@smmerotary.com.
Please check out our meeting schedule for Google Meeting links. See you online!
Edits made on 3/15/21
Questions? Please reach out at smmerotary@smmerotary.com